Return to Un'goro

A hastily written note has been posted on one of the sign posts in the courtyard, bearing the seal of the Duskryder family. Others like it have been placed around the city.
Field assistants needed for a research expedition in Un’goro focusing on the population of the local ravasaurs. Applicants must have mounted transportation to Un’goro Carter, know how to fire and operate a tranquilizer gun, have a strong constitution and not be afraid of large reptiles. If interested, please send mail to Gadgetzan in Tanaris.
-Iliae Duskryder

Iliae let out a sigh of relief, wiping away a bead of sweat as she admired the tent she had managed to set up. Sure, it wasn’t quite the lavish quarters she was used to, but it would have to do. Turning to the shameful pile of equipment she had paid a pretty sack of gold to have ported, she frowned. It was going to be a long day. Raising her hand to her hair, she ran her fingers through the now tangled and sweaty mess, pursing her lips as she considered the tasks at hand.

“Of course.”

Quickly, she grabbed her hammer, digging frantically through her pockets for a nail. Finally finding one, she reached into her satchel and pulled free an aged piece of bark, with a list carved into it. Making her way to a nearby tree, she hung the rules of the camp onto it, high enough for all to see. After all, tradition could not be ignored.
-If you want to eat, you work.
-Shoot to kill only if a necessity.
-Boil the water before you drink it.
-No communication devices or magic.
-Do not disturb the habitat.
-Carry flares at all times.
-Poachers are prey.
-Never disturb a Duskryder when they are writing.
Grinning, the huntress looked to the trees, soaking up the wonder of the wilds. “Light, I missed this.”