My character bio that can tell you more than you ever really needed to know about Illy.
Nicknames: Illy, Bitch, Knife-wieldin', tea drinkin' psycho.
Age: Iliae features fresh wrinkles around her eyes, and lips. If one looks close enough, they might even notice a few strands of grey hair.
Height: Average
Weight: Appropriate to her height.
Body Type: Thin, somewhat delicate in appearance as most Sin’dorei women.
Physical Condition: Iliae keeps herself in the condition a ranger would be expected to be in, though battle wounds have taken a toll on her body, most notably in her shoulder.
Eye Color: Fel green.
Hair Color and Style: Iliae often wears her jet black hair in an elaborate ponytail, pushing stray hairs out of her face. When left down, it falls just above her breasts.
Race: Sin’dorei
Class: Ranger (Hunter, but she does not fight with a pet.)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Distinguishing Features: Iliae’s square jaw can appear somewhat off-putting in comparison with her otherwise feminine features. A variety of small scars litter her body, along with a handful that has significantly altered her appearance. One would immediately notice that she is missing the better part of her left ear, and what is left of the tip appears to be hanging on by an awkwardly rigid piece of cartilage. Three, jagged lines reach across her throat, starting at the base of her right ear. In certain outfits, a long scar moving from her left shoulder to her right hipbone would be visible, and possibly dozens of small, precise scars covering her arms.
Physical Imperfections/Would Like Most to Change: Nothing, Iliae carries herself with pride, bearing all of her battle wounds as a reminder of the lessons she’s learned.
Characteristic Gestures: Iliae can often be seen exercising her left shoulder, or massaging it. Generally speaking, she can often be found simply staring off into the distance, appearing much like a watch dog.
Speaking Style: Clearly well educated, Iliae speaks perfect Orcish, and seldom- if ever, uses slang.
Religion: Iliae once put her faith in the Light, but no longer believes that there is anything guiding her in her life.
Family Background/Lineage: Iliae was raised by her father, Lord Galvan Duskryder who had gained reputation for himself through his groundbreaking research on various species of worgs and wolves. She speaks little of her late mother, who is said to have passed giving birth to Iliae and her twin brother, Daeryan. She speaks highly of her paternal grandfather, who she considers to have been a great teacher of humility.
Current/Former Occupations: Iliae enlisted in the Farstriders at a young age, though even she claims to have no knowledge of how many decades she served with them. She began her career as a scout, and built her way up to Captain after many years. Two decades ago, information as to her specific duties within the Farstriders disappeared, though she has just recently left the organization.
During her time spent off duty, she followed in her father’s footsteps by extending his research to varying species of beasts who displayed pack behavior. Her favorite subjects were the Venomhide Ravasaurs in Un’goro crater, of which she has written and published several scientific works. In later years, she would also publish several works about Un’goro Crater itself, and Humanoid Anatomy.
Skills, Abilities, and Talents: Iliae has spent her life training and learning, expanding her skills as far as she can. As expected, she is an excellent ranger, and most who know her know she seldom misses her target. She has a great understanding of the humanoid body, and specializes in far ranged kill shots.
General Personality Type: Iliae’s demeanor often changes depending on her company, or whether or not she is working. She is most commonly calm and decisive, her words few and chosen carefully, as she sees it pointless to waste time with useless information. She can often come off as judgmental as she has the habit of being forward and direct with those she is unfamiliar with. Those who are close to her can find that she often shares her unique sense of humor, and some even consider her a big sister like figure. She is often very insecure about her ability to lead and communicate, so she often gives unyielding loyalty to whoever she follows.
Mental Disturbances: The combinations of recent, and past traumas have made Iliae extremely unstable. She is easy to anger, and will often lash out at the first opportunity she finds, though she seems to be slowly regaining control over these episodes. She often appears to be on edge, constantly watching for another threat around the corner, and it is not an uncommon sight to find her staring off, almost as if she’s lost.
Introvert/Extrovert: Introvert
Eccentricities: While she has a great love and appreciation for animals, she has never had a connection with a beast as strong as most hunters have found. The closest she has ever come to this is with Valentine, a moonstalker she raised from a runt. She can always be found with a journal on her person, and will often begin writing in it when she finds herself in uncomfortable social situations.
Temperament: Iliae can best be described as a ticking time bomb. While she can often remain calm when it is a necessity, once she is left on her own it is only a matter of time until she lashes out, unable to calm herself through any other means.
Method of Handling Anger or Rage (Repress, throw things, etc): Iliae will often seek out the first thing she can kill, whether it be a scourge footman, or a stranger on the street. Despite her emotional state, she often is calculating and will go for both the most intelligent, and most painful way to do away with her target.
Bad Habits/Vices: Iliae often goes on drinking binges when she has trouble dealing with a recent event, and resorts to running away when those closest to her show concern for her.
Prejudices: Iliae despises Orcs, though she does her best to not vocalize this. She finds them to be an incredibly barbaric and hostile race.
Pet Peeves and Gripes: Stupidity, people who underestimate her, people who are overconfident in their own abilities, or operate under false authority.
Things That Make Uncomfortable or Embarrassed: Anything that involves making an emotional connection to another person, when her ear becomes bent out of place, or when she drinks too much.
Most Painful Things in One's Life: Struggling to deal with her mental, and physical scars.
Fears: Being betrayed by Xynrael, any harm coming to Daeryan, flying, and water.
Age: Iliae features fresh wrinkles around her eyes, and lips. If one looks close enough, they might even notice a few strands of grey hair.
Height: Average
Weight: Appropriate to her height.
Body Type: Thin, somewhat delicate in appearance as most Sin’dorei women.
Physical Condition: Iliae keeps herself in the condition a ranger would be expected to be in, though battle wounds have taken a toll on her body, most notably in her shoulder.
Eye Color: Fel green.
Hair Color and Style: Iliae often wears her jet black hair in an elaborate ponytail, pushing stray hairs out of her face. When left down, it falls just above her breasts.
Race: Sin’dorei
Class: Ranger (Hunter, but she does not fight with a pet.)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Distinguishing Features: Iliae’s square jaw can appear somewhat off-putting in comparison with her otherwise feminine features. A variety of small scars litter her body, along with a handful that has significantly altered her appearance. One would immediately notice that she is missing the better part of her left ear, and what is left of the tip appears to be hanging on by an awkwardly rigid piece of cartilage. Three, jagged lines reach across her throat, starting at the base of her right ear. In certain outfits, a long scar moving from her left shoulder to her right hipbone would be visible, and possibly dozens of small, precise scars covering her arms.
Physical Imperfections/Would Like Most to Change: Nothing, Iliae carries herself with pride, bearing all of her battle wounds as a reminder of the lessons she’s learned.
Characteristic Gestures: Iliae can often be seen exercising her left shoulder, or massaging it. Generally speaking, she can often be found simply staring off into the distance, appearing much like a watch dog.
Speaking Style: Clearly well educated, Iliae speaks perfect Orcish, and seldom- if ever, uses slang.
Religion: Iliae once put her faith in the Light, but no longer believes that there is anything guiding her in her life.
Family Background/Lineage: Iliae was raised by her father, Lord Galvan Duskryder who had gained reputation for himself through his groundbreaking research on various species of worgs and wolves. She speaks little of her late mother, who is said to have passed giving birth to Iliae and her twin brother, Daeryan. She speaks highly of her paternal grandfather, who she considers to have been a great teacher of humility.
Current/Former Occupations: Iliae enlisted in the Farstriders at a young age, though even she claims to have no knowledge of how many decades she served with them. She began her career as a scout, and built her way up to Captain after many years. Two decades ago, information as to her specific duties within the Farstriders disappeared, though she has just recently left the organization.
During her time spent off duty, she followed in her father’s footsteps by extending his research to varying species of beasts who displayed pack behavior. Her favorite subjects were the Venomhide Ravasaurs in Un’goro crater, of which she has written and published several scientific works. In later years, she would also publish several works about Un’goro Crater itself, and Humanoid Anatomy.
Skills, Abilities, and Talents: Iliae has spent her life training and learning, expanding her skills as far as she can. As expected, she is an excellent ranger, and most who know her know she seldom misses her target. She has a great understanding of the humanoid body, and specializes in far ranged kill shots.
General Personality Type: Iliae’s demeanor often changes depending on her company, or whether or not she is working. She is most commonly calm and decisive, her words few and chosen carefully, as she sees it pointless to waste time with useless information. She can often come off as judgmental as she has the habit of being forward and direct with those she is unfamiliar with. Those who are close to her can find that she often shares her unique sense of humor, and some even consider her a big sister like figure. She is often very insecure about her ability to lead and communicate, so she often gives unyielding loyalty to whoever she follows.
Mental Disturbances: The combinations of recent, and past traumas have made Iliae extremely unstable. She is easy to anger, and will often lash out at the first opportunity she finds, though she seems to be slowly regaining control over these episodes. She often appears to be on edge, constantly watching for another threat around the corner, and it is not an uncommon sight to find her staring off, almost as if she’s lost.
Introvert/Extrovert: Introvert
Eccentricities: While she has a great love and appreciation for animals, she has never had a connection with a beast as strong as most hunters have found. The closest she has ever come to this is with Valentine, a moonstalker she raised from a runt. She can always be found with a journal on her person, and will often begin writing in it when she finds herself in uncomfortable social situations.
Temperament: Iliae can best be described as a ticking time bomb. While she can often remain calm when it is a necessity, once she is left on her own it is only a matter of time until she lashes out, unable to calm herself through any other means.
Method of Handling Anger or Rage (Repress, throw things, etc): Iliae will often seek out the first thing she can kill, whether it be a scourge footman, or a stranger on the street. Despite her emotional state, she often is calculating and will go for both the most intelligent, and most painful way to do away with her target.
Bad Habits/Vices: Iliae often goes on drinking binges when she has trouble dealing with a recent event, and resorts to running away when those closest to her show concern for her.
Prejudices: Iliae despises Orcs, though she does her best to not vocalize this. She finds them to be an incredibly barbaric and hostile race.
Pet Peeves and Gripes: Stupidity, people who underestimate her, people who are overconfident in their own abilities, or operate under false authority.
Things That Make Uncomfortable or Embarrassed: Anything that involves making an emotional connection to another person, when her ear becomes bent out of place, or when she drinks too much.
Most Painful Things in One's Life: Struggling to deal with her mental, and physical scars.
Fears: Being betrayed by Xynrael, any harm coming to Daeryan, flying, and water.