I am well now, Melathanore has disposed of Carkel, and Ellithiria is to be married. For once, it is a happy time in our lives. Even I feel less shaken as of late, despite the threat that is undoubtedly sitting around the corner.
Everyday, my acceptance of the events of late grows. Xynrael still isn’t around much, and when we are together it seldom goes beyond the confines of work. I know that my death and the subsequent hiding has taken a toll on us both. Looking at my relationship with him logically, I know it will be difficult to repair it…My marriage is crumbling. After all, it has been nearly two months and tonight was the first night we have spent together.
That is not the only pressure on us, I fear. Dinendal has come back…as a Death Knight, nonetheless. It is…confusing, but not because I wish to be with him, but only because I cannot categorize him. It is odd, his behavior…disturbingly normal. After hearing that he has joined the Vanguard, I cannot help but feel that something is off.
But, all this is irrelevant. For now, I will be happy. I will be grateful that for now, no one is trying to kill me, that she hasn’t shown her face again and that Elly will experience a happiness that I may never find again.
I will be happy...